Calling All Booklovers! – Editor Positions Open
Do you love reading books and getting other people to read them? Join our team and make your mark on today’s Catholic literary revival.
Do you love reading books and getting other people to read them? Join our team and make your mark on today’s Catholic literary revival.
Discover the far deeper, more salvific tale that Disney turned into romantic fluff.
A priest and a bandit king face off for the fate of a small Mexican town in this thrilling western adventure.
Every month in 2024 Pope Francis has a monthly prayer intention. Every month we will release a book list that will draw your heart and soul deeper into prayer on these topics.
Does Pope Francis think the world is about to end?
Would you die for a flower? Would you kill for one? Providence, romance, and danger rule in this tense, heart-warming prison romance.
A 14th century account of visions exploring the meaning of love, and God as love.
What do trees have to do with Bread & Wine?
Our favorite book finds of the year!
When a boy is crucified, Detective Kinderman finds himself chasing down a murderer who is already dead.
Reaching back to a forgotten era of integrated Christian philosophy, Maritain retrieves concepts that could solve the dissolution of postmodern society.
Step into Fall with a Good Book
The true story of the Catholic saint who inspired the myth of Cinderella
An intimate window into the mind of a great artist and honest Christian
One of the masters of science fiction delivers a story exploring the limits of freedom and the ongoing battle against fallen human nature.
Deepen your Lenten reflection with these stories of repentance and forgiveness
The story that introduced faith to one of the most secular nations on Earth
Yes some good things DID happen this year- Catholic creators have not let turmoil stop their mission.
Book Therapy to chase the blues away
The 10-year-old heir of a noble Scottish family must choose between his inheritance and his Catholic faith.
Beyond the adventure, the way to read The Lord of the Rings is not as an allegory but as a meditation on the human Story we are each caught up in, and in which we each have our part to play, our temptations to resist, and our task to accomplish.
When he was four years old, C. S. Lewis renamed himself Jack and refused to answer to Clive Staples. For the rest of his life, he was Jack to his friends.
One of the most famous and horrifying first-hand accounts of the Holocaust
I knew this book was going to be scary. What I did NOT expect was to be left with a deep feeling of peace and comfort.
A Detective novelist who believes in conscience, and in the reality of redemption.
Flannery O’Connor dissected the Devil for a generation that was busy explaining evil away. She perceived God at work in grotesque places. Was she right?
Belloc was known as a Catholic polemicist with a vicious talent for skewering his opponents. Anyone struggling to persevere as a Christian in the fields of journalism or media should read him. His children’s books have an acerbic humor that will appeal to bored veterans of political correctness, especially teens.
Chesterton will swoop down, carry you away, pour tonic down your throat and tickle you until you start to laugh
Leaf by Niggle isn’t nearly as well-known as LOTR and The Hobbit, but it is as beautiful and moving in its own way.
Did you know that Bram Stoker’s wife was a Catholic & he considered converting himself at one time?