Recent Reviews
Life Choices The Gift By Pat Wiedemer, Neil Thompson, Philip Kosloski
Casey’s birthday present to Josh is a little more than they bargained for.
PANIC! (unSPARKed #3) by Corinna Turner
It’s a three hour drive unSPARKed, and for city-folk, anything might cause PANIC!
Hologram by Walker Larson
Aaron is the only one who can see through the holograms.
Calling All Booklovers! – Editor Positions Open
Do you love reading books and getting other people to read them? Join our team and make your mark on today’s Catholic literary revival.
December Books to Pray With: Pilgrims of Hope
A Catholic book list focused on the theme of hope and sense of journey as we look toward the jubilee year of 2025. Use these entertaining fiction stories to deepen your prayer life and renew the virtue of hope.
The Divided Kingdom by Allison Ramirez
What sinister secrets hide behind the walls of the Island of Mirror?
Christmas Books to Curl up With
Get into the Advent spirit with stories that entertain and don’t water down the holiday.
Papa and the Little Queen by Kathleen Vincenz
What will St. Thérèse and Papa discover on their walk through town?
The 1st Catholic Reads Readers Choice Award
The list of books that won by popular vote for 2024, with a Honorary Mention section for notable past year’s books.
Best of 2024 Editor’s Choice Awards
Our favorites of the year!
Heavenly Rescues and Answered Prayers: True Stories of Faith and Miracles from a First Responder by Andrew Jo Rodgers
A book that’s great to have on hand when one needs a reminder that there are good people out there and that God’s hand is in everything.
November Books To Pray With: For Anyone Who Has Lost a Child
A book list for those who are grieving, and those praying for them.
The Book of Saints and Heroes By Andrew & Lenora Lang
Ancient tales of Saints and Heroes retold for Victorians, reprinted for us.
Shadows: Visible and Invisible By Catholic Teens Books
Bringing the holy back to All Hallows, these short stories entertain & remind us of the mercy we all rely upon.
My Name is Saul by Lin Wilder
How does a man become a monster? How does a monster become a saint?
Worth Dying For By Marie C. Keiser
In the shady corporate-ruled galaxy, a man can acknowledge no god. Yet having nothing worth dying for frightens Mark more than death itself.
October Books to Pray With: For a Shared Mission
A list of books exploring the theme of solidarity between clergy and laity.
Idol Speculations by Karina Fabian
Can a dragon take on a monster ten times his size?