Defend the Tabernacle by Deacon Patrick Augustin Jones
Catherine and Bernard get whisked away to do battle on the Soulscape, where the true nature of things is revealed.
Catherine and Bernard get whisked away to do battle on the Soulscape, where the true nature of things is revealed.
A political fantasy epic bildungsroman where Allia’s feminine heart becomes as powerful a force has her sword.
Follow Will Wilder as he discovers a hidden world, fights demons and rescues a hidden treasure!
An intriguing story that will enchant with a sweet romance and take you on a thrill ride through the Gothic version of modern-day New York City.
Lots of soldiers have demons, but Michael’s follow him back home. And now a secret order of demon-slayers tell him he has to save the world?!
If you want a gorgeous read delving into the world of angels that reflects actual accepted beliefs about them then this is the book for you.
A dark fantasy along the lines of Revelation itself.