Highschool & Up
Author’s Worldview
Year Published
Reviewed by
Tiffany Buck
If God loves me then why did He let this happen? This question has been asked the world over. It is the question Aurora Fabron asks after the death of her boyfriend, Tom. While they were together it seemed as if he was her world, and then he died. She told herself and others that he took the best of her with him. This explained her descent into depression and drugs. Distraught over his daughter’s depression, her father sets up counseling sessions between Fr. Sebastian, a young priest, and Aurora.
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Fr. Sebastian proves to be good for Aurora. Her depression subsides, and her relationships with others improve. Readers learn after a few chapters that Aurora is a gifted photographer. Fr. Sebastian fosters this interest and encourages her to share her God-given talent. Aurora’s journey is inspiring I found myself going from frustration with Aurora to cheering her on and delighting in her achievement.
The relationship between Aurora and Fr. Sebastian advances beyond therapy. Fr. Sebastian becomes best friend, confidant, and a shoulder to cry on. It is obvious to everyone around that the two have feelings for each other. Although the feelings are there, they do not act on them. Their love for God is greater. Fr. Sebastian is a priest, and Aurora has respect for his vocation. Instead, Aurora prays to God that the right man be put in her path.
Aurora is not the only one who has benefitted from Fr. Sebastian. Aurora has a twin sister, Julia. From the outside Julia seems to have it all together. She and her fiancé, Noah are expecting twins. Everyone is excited except Aurora. It is clear from the beginning that Aurora and Noah have a real disdain for each other. As the novel progresses, the reader learns that Aurora’s intuition when it comes to Noah is correct. Noah causes Julia pain and stress. Julia responds with drinking after the babies are born. With her newfound God-given strength, awakened by Fr. Sebastian, Aurora does her best to protect Julia and the babies.
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So many people fall into disbelief or distrust in God when things don’t go according to their plan. In the novel Aurora and God, we learn that sometimes things happen to us so that we can grow closer to God Despite the tragedy of Tom’s early death, Aurora finds that God is still working for good. Our pain strengthens us and will bring us closer to God if we allow it. Although it is a Catholic novel, I recommend this book to all Christians for its universal themes.
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