The Dunes by A.R.K. Watson
“The Dunes” raises questions that are relevant in any marriage: not just for the creepy, otherworldly couple who venture onto a lonely island to set up camp near prehistoric sand dunes for the last time.
How the Dragon Awards Could Uplift Catholic Fiction
If you don’t like current state of mainstream publishing and wish there were more widely available alternatives, this is your chance to help make that a reality.
Infernal Affairs by Declan Finn
St. Tommy finally comes face-to-face with the warlock that has been behind the events of the previous two books while fighting off hordes of everything from gangsters to vampires.
Tortured Soul by Theresa Linden
Looking for a book that puts Christ not just back into Christmas but into Halloween too? Throw in a dash of ghost story, mystery, and romance and you have A Tortured Soul.
Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz
Odd Thomas is a fry cook who is haunted by Elvis, sees demons, fights evil and provides a remarkably grounded picture of a man on the path to sainthood.