Children’s Books

Seek and You Will Find, A Catholic Sacraments Adventure by Kristina Schoh, Illustrated by Michael LaVoy
The perfect children’s companion to a quiet Mass.

The World is Awake By Linsey Davis
An adventure of daily joy, inspired by the Psalm, “This is the day the Lord has made.”

The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Anderson
Discover the far deeper, more salvific tale that Disney turned into romantic fluff.

Books to Pray With, March: For the New Martyrs
Every month in 2024 Pope Francis has a monthly prayer intention. Every month we will release a book list that will draw your heart and soul deeper into prayer on these topics.

Bella’s Beautiful Miracle: A Caterpillar’s Journey by Kimberly Novak
What’s a little caterpillar to do when a storm carries her away? Build your child’s relationship with God and prepare them for first communion.

Silly Sophie’s Summer Sunday Morning By: Alexandra Sizemore
Keep holy the Lord’s Day—joyfully–with Silly Sophie the Spaniel.